nLab Felix Berezin

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Felix Berezin (1931-1980)

Selected writings

According to V. Kac 1977b the definition of super Lie algebras is originally due to:

  • Felix Berezin, G. I. Kac, Math. Sbornik 82 (1970) 343-351

    (in Russian)

Early discussion of supermanifolds:

An original approach to quantization:

  • F. A. Berezin, Quantization, Math. USSR Izv., 8 (1974), 1109-1163. MR 0395610 (52:16404)

On classical spinning particles described via supergeometry:

On superalgebra and supergeometry (Grassmann algebra, super vector spaces, supermanifolds, super Lie algebras, super Lie groups, …):

category: people

Last revised on October 8, 2024 at 12:56:01. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.